Canceled flight, extended vacation and gorgeous resort in Varadero

We saved best for last, it was so good, that we stayed two extra days, but about this later 😋 22 kilometers of beautiful sandy beach, which stretches across the entire length of the peninsula on the north side of the county, is the main reason for visiting Varadero or so-called city of colored bracelets. Forget about unique artistic jewelry, those are plastic bracelets worn by all-inclusive guest from various hotels and resorts.

The city is created for tourists, bunch of huge hotels, stalls with souvenirs on every step and roads full of taxis. The prices here are significantly higher than on the rest of the island, which is reflected not only in restaurants and bars but also on stalls. You have to go deep in your pockets if you want to indulge yourself in one of those hotels. You will have to spend more than 100 € per night, which is of course a lot more than you would paid for a night in casa.

If you also find yourself in Varadero, than save yourself a few steps and do not even try to find attractions or anything like that. There is nothing! The main thing here is a white sandy beach, which can be accessed from virtually anywhere, as hotels cannot have their private beaches. However, you will anyway find some free deckchairs at hotels and bars on the coast and this could be a very useful information, if you do not really like to have ass full of sand. And one more thing, take you sunscreen with a high factor with you, because there is no shade along these 22 km long beach.

The town itself is significantly different from the others that we visited and we can say that, it is least “Cuban”. There are no houses in typical colonial style, small bars with peso snacks and street artists. The city even has a shopping center 😃 However, it is just a building with 10 shops under one roof. In Varadero we even saw a milk in a store for the first time here. However, one liter costs 2,70 CUC and it is practically inaccessible to locals.

So… as we mentioned earlier, we planned to stay in Varadero for our last two days on Cuba before leaving back home – which would, of course, be more than enough for enjoying on a beach.

However,… we get to the airport and our flight was canceled. Now what? Airline pays everything for all 280 passengers who were already ready to go to Austria. Yeah… if it happens that your flight is canceled, than the airline must offer the possibility of reimbursement of the ticket or alternative transport to your final destination as well as food, drink and hotel accommodation until next available flight.

Why we didn’t even worry about it? Pictures tell more than thousand words, and after the first night we even hoped they will never be able to fix that plane.. yes.. it was like in the movie (at least for us). However, we spend two days in the hotel, where the price of the worst room is approx.. € 300 per night, the hotel is called Paradisus Varadero Resort & Spa.

Agree? 😍

S & B

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