To Tissamaharama for safari

Although the travel around this country is coming to an end, obviously we still didn’t get used to, that here every trip with the local transport is chapter by itself. With the train on the road Nuwara Eliya – Ella we enjoyed several hours of delay, indescribable crowd and not even so crazy view, which it’s described in all the books and on the web. If you already came to Nuwara Eliya with the train, we don’t recommend you further train ride, it’s better to continue with the bus (but this is just our opinion).

From Ella we switched our train ride to direct bus to Tissamaharama. Why to go in Tissa? Of course, because of safari in the most famous Yala National Park. Park stretches over 1.268 square kilometres and is divide into five zones. Safari is held in the district known as Block 1 – in the past it was intended for hunting, which is already 80 year strictly prohibited. Throughout the park live about 300 elephants, leopards, 200 species of birds, buffalo, snakes, crocodiles and many other things that crawls and walks…

Almost every family in Tissa can offer you a safari – in front of each house is located jeep, designed only for this activity. To guess, who is the best choice for you, is a little challenge. Are they own a jeep from Immemorial, will they even find the animals, will they drive too fast or too slow? There are many of factors, which can make adventure interesting and special. We trusted to TripAdvisor and decided for Janaka Safaris.

Due to the early start (at 4.30 am), we were in front of the park between the former and with that avoid the indescribable crowd, created by dozens jeeps. Our main goal was to find the king of this park, leopard. Theoretically should be the stated aim easily workable, because at 141 square kilometres, as far Block 1 is measured – there is located 25 leopards, which is the highest density in the world.

We searched every corner, examine all the branches on the trees, drive all the way, even the roads for which we didn’t know if our car will be able to drive, but nevertheless we had no luck. We need to satisfy with a herd of elephants that were just coming from the morning bath, with snakes, few crocodiles, several species of birds and even more could be counted. There is no sense to lose words about the landscapes, huge lakes, savannah and unspoiled nature.

And yes! Finally to the beach, even more to the south, in the city of Galle. So the next post will be written when we will soaking feet and making you jealous, because we will be enjoying summer weather.

S & B

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